Have you begun your Summer Fruit? Have you realized that assembling kits that allow you to make any version of the necklace you want leaves you with some leftover beads? Here are some suggestions as to what to do with those extra beads.
Make Accessories!
I put photos of a few pairs of earrings in the tutorial, and because you are clever advanced beaders, I even included fishhooks and headpins for simple earrings, because I know you know how to use the information you have to create what I showed you.
This week I am putting together a final set of kits and have knocked together three bracelets that offer ideas as to how you might use up some of those extra beads, if you have them. It all depends on how long you made your necklace, and which variation you weave, but even these examples have possible variations.
This first bracelet is a simple combination of two sets of Curled Squares. But if you do not have the beads for two sets of squares, one set would also be nice. You could join them tip to tip, or end to end and string either a single or double strand, depending on your join.
I do love that the internal 6mm rounds are visible because of the tight circle around your wrist and the pretty curled edges come into view.
Next, I have a simple strung bracelet, that echos the yoke stringing on the necklace.
You may not have as many 8mm rounds as I used, but feel free to use any and all of the accent beads, and any and all remaining rounds of any size. Or ANY of the leftovers, although I am not a big fan of strung cylinders, but hey, it's YOUR bracelet! I liked the double strand, but it could just as easily be single, thereby stretching the available beads.
And here is a reminder that the earring could contain a Curled Square, facing either downward, as shown below, or upward, as shown above with the Pineapple set.
One final possibility involves buying an extra focal bead.

My hubby is an Antiques Roadshow junkie and I recently sat with him for an episode taped in California and featuring lots of very expensive jewelry. I was shocked to hear the expert state clearly that although one lovely item was certainly a Van Cleef and Arpels antique, it had been "Messed With" when a bracelet was created from a pendant and "Ruined" when the focal was placed the "Wrong Way". By that he meant that the oval focal was placed with its length running around the wrist, instead of lengthwise up and down the arm. Humph! Let me assure you, the right way is the way you prefer to align the focal. The way your wrist and hand look great, and are comfortable when the bracelet is worn. I let the nice man get in my head, and aligned it the "right way" (elongated extension, running up and down the arm) just for him, I guess. But believe me when I tell you that you may use your focal with either bezel extension, and you may align it whatever way you prefer.

I also chose to make up two Curled Squares to bracket the focal. Notice that I made my connection to the connector row in the bezel, instead of the tips of the extension. I preferred how it felt a bit less floppy on my wrist when supported from the base near my skin, but this is again, a decision for you to make, and you may certainly do whatever floats your personal boat. I have teensy wrists, and rarely wear or enjoy bracelets, but this one feels nice to me.
If you REALLY want me to buy it for you and leather back it, my price per stone would be $15. You can send me a convo asking for exactly what you need and I will assemble it for you. Obviously, you can spend much less on the Swarovski Fancy Stone if you do it yourself, but you must also consider the cost of shipping, plus the leather and adhesive you will need for the backing. I am just offering.
I also have some extras of every bead, and if you want more than what you have, I will help you figure out what you need and sell it to you by the gram or half gram, or for the larger beads, by the piece. I'll do a bit of calculating and be prepared to give you a price before you buy, but you would need to convo me for a quote and private listing.
I do not expect the rush of the last two releases, so I am just going to post this final set of kits today, Friday noonish, July 12th.
I am not sure where I will go from here, beading wise. I know I need a break. I know that I am prioritizing a more active life than is allowed by bead illustrating and tutorial writing. But I also really enjoy it. So... we shall see. Whatever happens, thank you all for your kind support of my design work, tutorials and kits.
My birthday arrives soon, and I am planning a one day birthday sale. Details posted here in a week or so!