When Steven Weiss of Beadsmith contacted me about participating in a invitational beading tournament, I was proud to be included and agreed. Being a guy, (I think this is adorable!) he set it up just like the College Basketball Championships. It's a single elimination event, where originally 64 beaders from around the world (and now 80) meet in random pairings. The two works of each pair are then judged against each other, by the 78 other participating beaders, as well as a select, invited judging panel, which includes two Minnesota beading legends, Diane Fitzgerald and Jean Campbell. Winning entries in each pairing advance to a new random pairing, until a champion is finally left standing alone. But along the way, much quality beadwork is viewed, appreciated, admired, discussed, and serves as inspiration to all. There will also be a public vote oppotunity, so I hope you'll all help us with that!

I have very limited beading time. I work full time making costumes for competitive ballroom dancers by day, an activity that combines dressmaking and beading, but done with glue instead of thread.
Early on, Steven mentioned the word "masterpiece" in conjunction with his expectations of our work. I quietly thought, "impossible." I think of a masterpiece as something that is widely regarded as the high point of a career, and I don't think you can create such a thing on demand. So I called on Merriam Webster to help me understand how to proceed. Here's what they said:
1: a work done with extraordinary skill; especially: a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement
2: a piece of work presented to a medieval guild as evidence of qualification for the rank of master
I felt a little better. I do have some skills, although extraordinary is a BIG word I didn't linger on. Apparently, this would not be a good time to try new stitches, or something I don't have a good handle on, skill-wise. Supreme achievement. I don't know about that, but managing to stay on schedule and finish this work (and all my day job work) on time will be a definite Supreme Achievement. So, check.
I love the second definition. Something that has always bothered my a bit in the beady world is, there are no teaching qualifications. Everything else I have taught requires a specific education and a test to prove you know what you are doing, before you tell someone else how to do it. So maybe, assuming my piece works out to be something I am proud of, it's like evidence of qualification. I've been contemplating writing tutorials, and have begun to receive requests along those lines. So... maybe this will be a push in that direction, although I don't expect it to transform me into any version of a beading "master."
But, WHAT TO MAKE??? A rather big deal has been made of many countries represented in this festival. There are more beaders from the USA than anywhere else, but I think I am the only one from Minnesota. So, my plan is to represent my state with my work. I had to think a bit about what my own strengths are, and what form my work usually takes. I concluded my strength is primarily landscape and botanical art. So, Minnesota is a gloriously beautiful place, and the beauty of my surroundings should be an appropriate theme for me.
Plus, I thought the piece should be seasonally appropriate. And here in Minneapolis, when this Beadsmith Battle gets underway on the 10th of July, we have our own festival, called Aquatennial. It's a celebration of summer in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, and I love this year's skipper pin. Looks like a color scheme to me!
So I have ordered some supplies that look like water, and the braid on an Admiral's uniform.
I am surrounded by inspiration, and I have begun my process of representing the beauty of my home, in all it's summery glory.
I am surrounded by inspiration, and I have begun my process of representing the beauty of my home, in all it's summery glory.
Best of luck to all participants! I cannot wait to see what everyone creates!