
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie and Cranberries

 Maybe it's the month, but as I worked on these kits, I kept seeing Pumpkin Pie and Cranberries!

I recently attended a local bead show, "Bead Bazaar" and was sad to see very few of the 30x40mm ovals used in these kits still available.  I visited Dakota Stones this week to pick up dome wood beads to finish the kits and asked about that.  One of the things I was told, specifically about Red Creek Jasper, is that the stone is just no longer available in good quality.  So sad.  Anyway, I have these Sunset Mookaite cabs in my stash and they feel very seasonal to me, so here are the last of the Honey and Berries kits.  You might think of them as  "Turkey with Cranberry Sauce"  or "Pumpkin Pie and Cranberries"!

This A cab might have some whipped cream swirled on the pumpkin pie.  And please note, I changed out the wood beads in my sample for Sandalwood I found at the Bazaar.  It has a smell that I love, a little spicy and tangy, but in my kitting experience, not everyone finds it appealing.  Also to let that scent shine, the wood is bare and discolors in time.  So I am making these kits with the more neutral Bayong wood in the upper right corner.

A more traditional Sunset Mookite B stone, with the swirls of burgundy wine in its caramel.

A very light, simple C stone with an interesting vein.  Almost turkey color!

The simplicity of this D stone will make the bezel edge stand out.

The E cab is deep, rich and spicy pumpkin color, with a few Mookite markings.

 F is the deepest in color, with some cranberry swirls.  

They all look yummy on complex cool reds.  Burgundy, fuchsia, and cranberry are all great backdrops for this little beauty, as are beige and tan.  

Happy November!  Find these in my Etsy shop HERE!

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