
Monday, August 27, 2018

Vintage Jasper - Heirloom Silver Cabochon Sets

Just a quick bit of business first.  There were a couple of text errors in the first edition of the Vintage Jasper tutorial.  I have published a new edition, and you can go back to Etsy/You/ Purchases, scroll to your tutorial invoice, and "Download Files" the corrected version, which also includes the new colorways. (Just to be clear, the text error corrections involve Row 5 of the large cabochon, the Double Link connection, thread length for the toggle, and some miscellaneous misspelling and grammar. As usual, the diagrams are all correct.)

On to the fun part!!

The last materials arrived today and I have the Heirloom Silver kits ready for release on Saturday, September 1st, at noon CST.  So I'll show you what there is to choose from. That's my sample on the right side, and cab sets on the left. The first four have deep rich color,  and nice markings in dark grey and greens.  They remind me of elegant leather furniture in an exclusive club.

Just a little lightning in the markings.

I like the diagonal movement in these hatchmarks.

Very dramatic markings here!

This one has this "jungle cat" vibe I really like.  :)

"The Pink Ladies"
The last four I have been calling "The Pink Ladies" because of their yummy salmon color.  It does not show well (despite my best lighting efforts) in the photos, but it was so inspiring to me I gave them their own C beads.  Instead of the matte silver, I've used a matte rainbow sunset bead.  It's subtle, but  really fun!

 E is the darkest of the pink bunch, but still subtly rich salmon pink, especially the barrels.
See the hints of pink in the rope sample?   I mocked up one barrel bezel too, 
and loved the matte sunset beads in it!

F is very pink indeed, with really pretty sunset markings.

G has beautiful pink salmon spots in a burgundy background.

And H is almost raspberry!  So I gave it a warmer, deeper rainbow matte bead.  

Tomorrow I am going to the fair, but I will get up early, finish the Antique Bronze kits, and post some more mug shots for you when I get home tomorrow evening!  


  1. You are the best kit maker ever. Such attention to detail can only be warmly applauded! Awesome!

    1. Cath, thank you so much! Although it's challenging and risky, I really enjoy making kits, and I am thankful that my clients seem to appreciate it too!

  2. Lovely color combos...
    Happy Fall,
    -Eva Maria
