
Monday, August 2, 2010

Which One?

On January 13th, I pulled out of my garage to drive my son to school and literally gasped when I was dazzled by an orchid sky. The world was aglow with the most amazing "sky-blue-pink" light I have ever seen. And then as I drove, I began to notice the trees were coated with fantastic spikey hoar frost. Hoar frost forms when the air is moist and just a little warmer than the frozen objects in the landscape. Trees, fences, and mailboxes grow fantastic ice crystals as the water in the air condenses, and the phenomonon lasts only until the sun is warm enough to wipe it all away.

 I delivered my son and drove back home for my camera, but the pink light was gone, and the frost only lasted long enough for me to take a few shots.  I vowed to make a necklace to celebrate all that beauty, and began collecting beads and jewels.  When EBW Phenomenon Challenge was announced I started the project in earnest, but did not even come close to finishing in time to enter the challenge.   But now, finally, it's all done and ready for the Minnesota State Fair Fine Art Exhibition jury.

I would just LOVE to get my piece into this show.  Last year over 1,790,000 people attended this fair.  It's one of the largest in the nation (I think only Texas has a bigger one) and the Fine Arts exhibit has it's own building.  Last year 2566 entries to the juried art show were received and only 382 were accepted.  Any living artist in the state may enter ONE piece only. This year for the first time, there is an Art Jewelry category.  And there are great prizes, although of course, winning any competition always depends on who else shows up with what. 

So I ask you. WHICH ONE? Click any image to see it larger, if you like.

On the white form, I really see the little drop beads at the ends of each branch, and the color from the Swarovski Crystal Vitral Light jewels is dazzling, but the texture is really only visible thanks to chiaroscuro, the patterns of light and shadow. On the black, (and yes, I better buy a bigger one quick!) the shapes and negative spaces are featured, and the texture pops, but I am losing the drops completely. The beige form color seems to compete with the delicate and subtle pinks and blues, although the shapes and details are visible. I do not have a perfect solution and need to stop wishing for one to magically appear. Please help me! Which do you think displays the piece in its best light?  Please leave me a comment or vote at the upper right. THANK YOU for your time and input! 

Postscript:  After 21 votes in the poll, with more than 50% going to the white display form, I concur. The strength of this piece is the color and texture, not as much the lines and spatial relationships. The cream velvet form I purchased was even a little better than the white I photographed for your votes, in that it offered a little contrast to the stark white of the beads, and really let the delicate color in the Swarovski crystals shine through. And you all gave me good advice, because January Dawn has been accepted. Again, thank you all so much for your support and thoughtful responses!


  1. First off...holy cow that's beautiful!! ;~) And gut reaction on the display for all the reasons you mentioned, the white seems to show it off best and seems to accent all the right elements.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous. I agree the white display.

  3. Amazing design. I prefer the white stand

  4. Thanks so much Chris and Gloria, I appreciate your kind words as well as your opinions. Interesting to me to see the voting thus far almost as divided as I am! -Marsha

  5. I actually like the black but only if you find a bigger one quickly. Second choice as with the others...white.It is stunning, lovely, icy - cool.

  6. Thanks. I'm gonna order a black one this afternoon... just in case!

  7. That is so beautiful and captures the "event" so perfectly as I was awarded with the same vision a couple of winters ago and it does indeed take your breath away. I know you've got three displays, but I'm wondering if you could somehow photograph your piece on medium gray? Many times my pieces show up better on gray than on white or black. Of the three you show, I do prefer the white. Good luck in the competition. Joni

  8. I'd use the white stand. Beautiful necklace, very evocative of the frost.

  9. Thanks so much Joni and Cenya! I just ordered a big black velvet one and a CREAM velvet as well... can't wait to see them.

  10. A thought Marsha: Are you able to cover the larger white form in a semi-transparent, semi-stretch lighter charcoal covered fabric - Something that echoes the more cool-grey winter sky? I think it would provide contrast for the white areas, while pushing-forward the pink tones of the crystals. Maybe something with a lycra content that would stretch and slightly conform over the "neck" and bind around the base, possibly with an extra bit of fabric at the base.

  11. I like the black- but only if the bigger one arrives on time. Second is the white one.

  12. Marsha:
    LOVE what you did here!!!! The first picture I enlarged was the beige background -- didn't care for that at all. The next was black -- the background felt heavy to me. Such a delicate piece to put on such a dark background. However, Lauren just looked at the 3 and immediately chose the black as she likes how the piece pops. I do agree with that assessment, but still feel that the black is too heavy. We both would like to see an icy, cool background -- lilac-y silver/grey. Was that specific enough!!! Ha! How do you like that? You shouldn't have asked me to vote! :) Assuming that it might be difficult to get that color, I would recommend the white as first choice and black as second. It's a stunning piece -- I'm sure the judges will love it!!! Good luck to you and let me know when you find out that they selected your necklace for the show!

  13. Wow! Your design is gorgeous, and I think it totally captures the imagery of your inspiration.

    Choosing one of those backgrounds is tough - they each have their pros and cons. Have you considered changing the color of one? A light or medium gray background would go really well with both the white and the purples, and it would accentuate the inspiration, too!

    Good luck at the fair!

  14. gorgeous!!! I usually go for black displays but I actually prefer the white one for this piece :-)

  15. Thank you so much!!! I am overwhelmed by the response. I am really hearing the interest in a grey winter sky background, and altho I don't feel very confident with this, I'm going to try covering a stand in a muted lavender satin and see where that gets me. Your interest and kindness is deeply appreciated!

  16. Definitely the white one. Good luck!!

  17. Marsha, I like the white display and agree with everyone that I would like to see it on a gray or lavender background. If that doesn't work out then my second choice would be the black but on a much bigger form. Good luck with the show, amazing necklace by the way.

  18. What a gorgeous necklace. The white display brings out the icy pink color best.

  19. I voted for white, I think it's absolutely perfect and shows the colours beautifully!

  20. Wow!!! what a stunning, gorgeous necklace!

    Out of the three displays here I prefer the white, but I'd love to see the lavender satin one you're doing.

    Good luck with the show! :)

  21. Go with the white one! It came out beautifully. I'm glad to see it complete.

  22. Fabulous neckpiece...white on white sets the "frosty" mood and showcases the lively crystals. Best Wishes for a super show!

  23. I am so totally pleased by your kind responses and interest in my decision. Later today, the larger black form and the cream velvet form should arrive. My lavender satin effort didn't go well, and you mostly seem to favor the white, so I have high hopes for the cream velvet, which would maybe provide just a little contrast, while maintaining the frosty feeling. Again, THANK YOU ALL!

  24. Actually, I love all the display backgrounds because the design is so good. A definite Haute Ice piece!
