
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Will It Be?

I was going to call this post, "What Will it Be" but that's not the right question. Here's a peek, from about a week ago. As you can see, based on the number of empty delica tubes, it's a fairly ambitious project, and I would say this is a representation of maybe 1/4th of completion. Fortunately, my favorite bead store decided to eliminate some of their delica stock,
and so were selling their discontinued colors for $1 a tube. This was fantastic for me! I bought all the tubes of this color they had, and am hoping it will be sufficient. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what this is trying to be?

I'll provide a hint. It's for a contest. So it is for a purpose, other than making something I think might sell in my Etsy shop. Actually, I think only a collector of beadwoven art might purchase this item, so selling is really not a motivation for this piece.

So here's another quick snapshot, from a few days ago. Does it focus your estimating? I'm not convinced that this will stay as is, but this new section is behaving at least somewhat as I hoped it would, unlike the bit I did last night, which will need to be ripped out for sure. Hence, no photo of that section, although it might be descriptive...

Place your bets ladies. The project needs to be done by September 22nd, so I have a month to fool around with it. I'll keep you posted. I am hoping my energy stays focused on finising this little number, and I thought maybe telling you about it would encourage a bit of responsibility. Thanks for taking a peek, and helping me hold myself accountable. Feel free to post a guess, if you have one!


  1. Its.... a hat brim!

    Lets see, a few feathers and some ribbon and some sequins and then it goes off to English royalty.

    Or, since any hat can be a sleeve (or is that the other way around?)... its a sleeve!

  2. I have no idea what it will be but I'm looking forward to seeing the progress - I love the color!

  3. Oh, I like Hannah's guess of hat brim. It looks too big around to be a sleeve. Maybe it'll just be a HAT!

    I envy your getting those delicas for $1 a tube!!! Too bad I don't live near you, or I would have cleaned out the store.

  4. When I saw the first photo, I was going to say a belt. But the second photo threw me off and I'm not sure, but I'm excited to see where all those beads went.

  5. I was going to guess part of a hat, but since that's already taken, I'll go with part of a lamp shade. :)

  6. I thought a belt too at first, but second pic nixed that idea. No clue, but will enjoy seeing the final product!

  7. It will be interesting to see what this is, ultimately!
